Chocolate Waffles

Every now and again, I like to do something over the top. Last Saturday night was one of those times. I was taking suggestions for ideas what to make for supper for Valentine's Day (I'm serving Matt and the kids a candlelight dinner!) and Matt suggested chocolate waffles. Well, I already had something in mind for a special dessert, and, since chocolate waffles are basically a dessert in itself, I didn't want to make them for Valentine's Day supper. However, I couldn't get chocolate waffles out of my head, so I whipped some up for supper on Saturday night. Before you begin, please know that this is not exactly a quick and easy recipe like many of the recipes I post. While not that hard, it is a bit more time consuming, and you will need to use several bowls. When I was growing up, my grandma would make these waffles for dessert. We would eat them with vanilla ice cream and homemade caramel sauce (recipe to come soon!). Yum! Just thinking about it ma...