World's Best Hot Cocoa MIx

Growing up, I never had anything but the Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa packets. I always wanted to get the ones with the mini marshmallows in it even though by the time I got my cocoa mixed up they had almost melted away. So, when I tasted my mother-in-law's deliciously-creamy cocoa, I had to have the recipe for the mix! My kids often request this after they come in from playing outdoors. Put it in a cute container or bag, and it makes a great Christmas gift! I packaged mine up with some homemade peppermint marshmallows this year! I have recently updated this recipe with homemade versions of the powdered Nesquik and creamer. My kids and I like it even better than the original--it's cheaper, too! World's Best Hot Cocoa Mix (adapted from Gloria Woodmancy's recipe in Sharon Springs United Methodist Cookbook) 1 (2.54 pound) canister Nesquik chocolate powder (Use this recipe for homemade. I think it took about a quadruple batch to equal 2 1/2 po...