Framed Sonogram Picture

For my previous four children, I did manage to get their sonogram pictures put into their baby books. I never got them framed or anything. However, for our fifth, I wanted to do something special. We were shocked to discover that Isaiah had passed away during the sixteenth week of pregnancy. I was 15 weeks, four days along. I went in for my routine prenatal visit, and my doctor could not find the heartbeat. I was 15 weeks, four days along. I kept repeating that to myself over and over again. Babies don't die then. Sadly, however, a sonogram the next day confirmed our fears--our little boy had died. Keeping his memory alive has been important to me, and I wanted to get his sonogram picture framed and on our wall. I also wanted to involve my kids in projects to remember their little brother. My son, Evan, painted the wooden letters that I ordered online from Hobby Lobby. I searched and searched to find a frame that we could ...